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 Static Emotes

(1) Emote - $35

(3) Emote Package - $95 (Save $10)

(5) Emote Package - $150 (Save $25)

Rose Emote Showcase Website.png

❀ Animated Emotes ❀

Simple Emotes - $80 - $95

Complex Emotes - $95 - $120

Pricing based on complexity of animation

Rose Animated Emote Showcase Website.gif

 Twitch Badges ❀

Badge Price $35

+$5 if others are just color change

+$10 if others have a small modification

+$35 if others are completely different

❀ Panels ❀

$45 Chibi + Background

$70 Full Body Chibi

Pricing can change based on complexity of design